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Fish Scales
Angling rods
Furzebray Carp Lakes at Sunset

February March 2018

26+Willow Carp

26+Willow Carp

Moody Sky Furzebray Lakes

Moody Sky Furzebray Lakes

30lb oneup Zip

30lb oneup Zip

February March 2018

Is has been a long winter and spring still seems to be a long way off hopfully April will be better

If it was not snow and ice it was gales and rain and a few bivies got blown away, but there are some tough anglers out there and some good carp landed.

There was Willow Action for Steve and Morris this week, they managed 5 fish in freezing conditions including a 26+ lin and a cracking 22 mirror. Well done Chaps.

And it might be freezing but the fish are still feeding!!! Mark Downing had a 26 lb  and well done to James Hunt on banking a new 30+ from the Island lake taken within hours of arriving from the lifebouy swim!!!! This is a bit of an elusive one and by my records has not been out since 2015 and has only done a handfull of captures!! Well done mate on a great result.

Winter Stunner!!!    Tim Braun banked The One Up Zip on a recent trip at a new top weight of 30lb!!! This is one hell of a fish well done Tim

Well things have finally warmed up a bit this weekend and the fish have defiantly responded!!! Richard Shelly landed "Measles" yesterday at 33.08 looking stunning in it's winter colours!! A few smaller fish have also been out and i'm sure there will be more this week roll on Spring

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